An indie focused video game website


Political Intrigue (The Good Kind)

The idea that politics should stay out of games is a completely asinine one, as proven by this lineup of fantastic politically charged indie games.

Not For Broadcast

Easily one of the best FMV games this side of Her Story, Not For Broadcast is a British political satire that has you control the TV airwaves through national news broadcasts. Choose which camera angles you want to show, bleep the swearing (or don’t) and decide which ads do or don’t get to run between programming. Incredibly ambitious and smart satire that makes you think.

Not Tonight 2

Be a bouncer for hire across a broken America, doing your best to “live the American dream” while taking a sledgehammer to the US’s immigration system. I’m not sure why Not Tonight 2 didn’t take off in a similar fashion to it’s predecessor - this is a worthwhile journey to take.

Half-Earth Socialism


A fascinating decision based game that says, “here, we have given you the tools to create a socialist utopia. How do you proceed?” Unabashedly political and of course completely free, it’s a great thought experiment inducing game to get you to think more about the possibilities we could have in the future.

Socialism Simulator

I… don’t even know what to say about this one. I can’t decide if this is propaganda, satire, or something else entirely. Just go check it out for yourself.